
Recently, i’ve discovered my abilities as a light worker, channel and empath. To grow my abilities I’m giving them away. I continue to practice, raise my frequency and provide something personal for your spiritual journey.

How it works
It’s simple: pick a piece of art that speaks to you. Make a donation to the Canadian Cancer Society, or Alzheimer Society of Canada (or your favorite charity), show me the cost for shipping, and that’s it. Once I get proof you’ve made the donation and send me funds for shipping, I’ll mail your piece to you.

After my father’s diagnosis of lymphoma and Alzheimer’s, I wanted to do something about it. I’m offering my gifts as I continue to develop them while helping support the Canadian Cancer Society and Alzheimer Society of Canada.

A moon at night lifting blue waters.

Channeled work
During and after meditation, these pieces were created on 11″ x 14″ 92 lb black stock or 9″ x 12″ medium weight grey stock with chalk pastels, oil pastels, charcoal, pencil crayon, or combinations.

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